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Order cancellation

In case you find a mistake in your order, either in quantity or the type of products you ordered, or if you change your mind after placing the order online or by phone, you can cancel your order, only if the products have not been delivered to the partner companies to be sent.

To cancel, contact us by phone on +3026340 27401 or by email at

Return product

We inform you that the packaging that is made for the shipment of the products is carried out with extreme care and, according to the evaluation of our customers, they arrive at their destination in excellent condition.

The products that you buy from our online store are accompanied by the legally issued documents (retail sales receipt). In order to return, in any way, products you have purchased, you must have the relevant proof of purchase in your possession.

The customer is obliged upon receipt of his order to unpack and check the products to confirm the absence of defects. ATTENTION: upon receiving the order, the customer must check the integrity of the outer packaging. Damaged, torn or opened box should not be accepted under any circumstances. In any other case, the costumer needs to report the existence of defects to the Holy Monastery within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the products. If this period expires, the customer loses all relevant rights and it is considered that the cosmetic defect was caused after delivery.

In case that you have purchased a defective product from us, please contact us by phone at +3026340 27401 or by email at If after examining the product, the existence of a defect is established then: the customer is required to send by email photographic material that proves the wear / defect of the product and to send it to the Holy Monastery with all the documents of its purchase as well as its packaging materials and we will immediately correct or replace the product or even cancel the order and refund the money, depending on what you wish, at no charge to you.

ATTENTION: if the products are not returned to the Holy Monastery within one month, we may not accept the return.

Complaints policy

The Holy Monastery is by your side, at any time, before and after the delivery of our products, ready to solve any problem and answer any question by phone on +3026340 27401 or by email at

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