The building complex of the Monastery has the shape of a regular quadrilateral enclosing the Katholikon. It used to include four wings of monastic buildings, of which only the south and the east survive to this day.
An old watermill in the creek bed of the torrent Ska belongs to the Monastery. A main diaconema (monastic task or obedience) of the previous monks were to cultivate wheat and barley in the many fertile lands of the Monastery, a fact that made the construction of the mill imperative. As it was the only watermill in the area, it seems that it offered its services to the residents of the neighboring villages as well.
Finally, high on the mountain, west of the Monastery and at a sufficient distance from it, the ruins that are preserved belong, according to the oral local tradition, to the old cemetery church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity.
Today, with the full support and the fatherly interest of the Metropolitan, efforts are being made for the maintenance of the church and the other monastic buildings, which constitute valuable ecclesiastical legacy. This monumental complex encompasses a cherished worshipping, prayerful and in general, spiritual life spanning over centuries, while at the same time referring to a historical past that we have a duty to guard as a sacred heritage.