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Immune system Strengthening


Ingredients: Echinacea,  Achillea, Ladania, Elderflower, Rosehip.


Net Weight 30gr

Μείγμα Βοτάνων Ενίσχυση Ανοσοποιητικού

SKU: BN 32
3,50 €Price
Only 1 left in stock
  • Thi tea mixture is a unique combination for the immune system strenthening. Echinacea is one of the best herbs for the prevention of cold and flu. It has an important role in stimulating the immune and lymphatic system. Echinacea has antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties. It strengthens the body’s defenses and cure problems which cause from respiratory system.It is fact that echinacea is the natural antibioticsince it is poven that it can reduce the possibility of catching a cold by 58%. If someone is already sick it helps him recover 1,5 days earlier. When it is combines with elderflower it is eve more effective. Elderflower is an extremely therapeutic herb for cold and cough. It contributes to production sweat and decreases the fever. Elderflower relieves the respiratory tract.

    Ladania or cistus is rich in polyphenol compounds and it contains aromatic balmy resin, as a result it has antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.Ladania destroys free radicals in the body and prevents for cancer. Additionally, reduces the oxidation of blood lipids and increases the levels of good cholesterol. Finally, rosehip is the regulator of the immune system. It strengthens the body and provides vitamin C. It also enhances and protects from exhaustion and fatigue

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